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Sunday, 1 September 2013

Peformance Evaluation System Policy for NGOs

1.12.2 Elements of the Performance Evaluation System

A performance evaluation system is composed of three main stages that generally take place over a period of a year:

(1) Performance planning

The performance planning stage enables employees and supervisors to come to an agreement on what is to be accomplished during the year and how it will be carried out. The following procedures and tools are used to facilitate this stage:

a) Job description or list of duties

Each employee must have an up-to-date job description defining the purpose of the work and the responsibilities involved.

b) Setting of objectives

For each key responsibility associated with a position, at least one objective should be established for a particular period. The objectives should be clear and quantifiable, and the assessment criteria should be mentioned.

c) Individual action plan

The individual action plan is a planning tool used to specify the steps to be taken to achieve the objectives set beforehand. The action plan should be prepared jointly with the immediate supervisor. It may also involve new initiatives facilitating improved productivity or personal capacity development.

(2) Performance Monitoring and Management

Staff performance and productivity should be managed on an on-going basis throughout the year. The following elements, among others, are involved:

a) On-going Supervision

This means taking the time to observe, examine sources of difficulty and seek solutions.

b) Regular Communication

This involves regular exchanges so that employees can receive feedback about their performance and receive the necessary supervision.

c) Periodic Evaluation

This involves formal, scheduled meetings between an employee and supervisor to discuss activities carried out, end results and the adjustment of the action plan and objectives, if necessary. A minimum of one meeting every six months is suggested to ensure satisfactory results.

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