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Thursday, 22 August 2013

Project Goal

A project goal is a very general, high-level and long-term objective of the project. It is different from project objectives because the latter are very specific and have to be addressed alone by the project. But a goal cannot be achieved by the project on its own since there will be other forces like the Government and other agencies as well working to achieve it. It is a major benchmark to compare work between different projects. Usually there is one project goal only and it can be reflected in the title of the project also. It should ideally support the overall policy of the government or the donor agency.


“Providing housing facilities to earthquake-affected victims” – This cannot be a project goal, but can be a general objective

“Reducing the impact of natural disaster over communities belonging to the hilly region” – This can be a project goal, as you are contributing to the problem in addition to other efforts.

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